November 14, 2011 Great Site Offering Oodles of Info is one of my favorite sites, and not just for the ease of an online dictionary.  The site itself is fun and informative - and it's a great place to get that writer brain in gear after you've checked the email and made the coffee (along with crossword puzzles).

For example, today's has a quiz asking me to name the protagonists of several famous novels.  Cool.

Tabs at the top take me to a nice Thesaurus and a really fun feature for word lovers, WordDynamo.  Admittedly, I may love WordDynamo because ... well ... I'm really good at it.  Considering I can't dance well at all and the only time I sing in tune is in the car or the shower, where of course I am GREAT, being a wizard at WordDynamo feels pretty darn good.

Okay.  Enough.  Back to work for me.  You?  You might want to check out