Dictionary.com is one of my favorite sites, and not just for the ease of an online dictionary. The site itself is fun and informative - and it's a great place to get that writer brain in gear after you've checked the email and made the coffee (along with crossword puzzles).
For example, today's Dictionary.com has a quiz asking me to name the protagonists of several famous novels. Cool.
Tabs at the top take me to a nice Thesaurus and a really fun feature for word lovers, WordDynamo. Admittedly, I may love WordDynamo because ... well ... I'm really good at it. Considering I can't dance well at all and the only time I sing in tune is in the car or the shower, where of course I am GREAT, being a wizard at WordDynamo feels pretty darn good.
Okay. Enough. Back to work for me. You? You might want to check out Dictionary.com.